17th February 2022
The February 2022 meeting was again a very successful White Table evening, reported on the Middlesex Provincial Website.

Pic 1 – W Bro Ken Demmen Worshipful Master, Sarah Rogers, Anthony Nolan Trust.
Pic 2 – Valerie Mohammadi, W Bro Ken Demmen, Yasmin Mohammadi, Monika Gulguska and Denise Titouh, Hillingdon Play Association
Pic 3 – W Bro Ken Demmen, W Bro Daniel Boot
18th February 2016
A very special What Table evening, including a talk on “Understanding Dementia” by the RMBI. A poster with all the details can be found here.
Sunday 19th July 2015
On Sunday 19th July 2015 members, wives, and guests got together at The Castle in Harrow to have a good family lunch. It was a superb day, weather, food, and company excellent. It was a really relaxing time where we could all talk and enjoy each other’s company. We cannot wait until the next one.

Sunday 17th May 2015
On Sunday 17th May 2015 members of the Lodge with their partners and friends spent a happy morning clay pigeon shooting. We were very lucky in having Steve Walton Commonwealth Gold Medallist looking after us and showing us novices how easy it is. All it proved is that when you are at his level it is easy after years of learning and practicing.